Clara Richardson
Contact Information:
BUSINESS NAME: Hamilton Fabbro Lawyers
ADDRESS: 1400-1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver BC V6E 2Y3
PHONE: 604-687-1133
FAX: 604-687-1125
Clara has been practicing family law exclusively for over ten years. She specializes in non-adversarial approaches to dispute resolution, and is available to assist clients with all aspects of family law, including cohabitation agreements, marriage agreements, separation agreements, parenting arrangements, spousal support, and division of family property and debt.
In order to provide her clients with the most comprehensive understanding of their rights and responsibilities, Clara may call upon the expertise of other professionals, including real estate appraisers, business valuators, financial advisors, and mental health professionals such as parenting coaches, divorce coaches, and child specialists.
Clara believes that divorce can, and should, be a respectful process, especially when children are involved. When couples commit to consensual dispute resolution, rather than working against each other, this can protect children from the long-term damage of divorce.