Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society Welcomes New Members!
Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society's strong, cohesive group of Collaborative Professionals is transforming how families experience divorce and conflict resolution throughout Greater Vancouver.
We provide professional development and support for our members through networking, training and events. We also take every opportunity to raise the public profile of Collaborative Practice, both to educate non-collaborative professionals and to inform couples about this kinder, less adversarial option for separation and divorce.
Membership in CDV is for lawyers, financial advisors and mental health professionals who want to advance their Collaborative practice. Collaboratively trained lawyers who wish to practice Collaborative Divorce in Vancouver must be members of CDV.
What are the benefits of joining the Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society?
Increase your online visibility with a profile on the CDV website
Expand your Collaborative skills with nationally recognized training programs
Team up with a dynamic, experienced group of Collaborative Professionals
Meet like-minded colleagues, expand referral networks and generate more business at ongoing events (such as monthly dinner meetings)
Generate ideas and new approaches with other professionals in your field
Keep up to date on Collaborative news and best practices
Learn how to attract more clients
Work more effectively, with less burnout, with support from Collaborative colleagues
Attend the annual IACP Forum for networking and education
What are the membership levels and requirements for Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society?
To become a member of CDV, you must be a licensed legal, mental health or financial professional in good standing in the administrative body that governs or regulates your profession.
Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society offers three levels of membership:
Participating membership — Members with voting rights who can sign Participation Agreements.For trained and credentialed professionals who have met the requirements for practicing Collaborative Divorce. They can become voting members and can join the board.
General Membership—For people who support the Collaborative Process but are not yet practicing. For example, those still in training or getting credentials or certifications, such as Financial Planners who don't yet have the certification to practice Collaborative Divorce but are referring their clients to other Collaborative Professionals. General members cannot vote or sit on the board.
Apprentice: working towards becoming a Participating Member and intend to pursue or are pursuing Mediation training with the objective of becoming a Participating Member within 2 years of your membership application, unless granted an extension by application to the Board. You have completed at least 12 hours of basic Interdisciplinary Collaborative training (qualified Collaborative training must meet the IACP Minimum Standards for trainings) but have not completed the required mediation training.
Affiliate: Supporter of Collaborative Process NOT working towards being a Participating Member.
Honourary membership—For professionals in the community who have contributed significantly to the Collaborative Process and are appointed as members by the board. They cannot vote or sit on the board.
How to apply for membership in Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society
We welcome your inquiries about Collaborative Practice and Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society membership.
2023/2024 ONLINE Membership Application Forms