Recommended Self-Help Books for Coping with 10 of Life's Challenges
I have a general Counselling Practice and I also specialize in separation and divorce. I have put together a list of books that I have read and/or referred to in my Collaborative Practice, as well as in my Counselling Practice. I have found these books helpful as have some of my clients who I loan them to.
Can I afford to buy a home? Can I afford not too?
When I ask clients 'What is the best investment you have ever made?', home owners always answer, 'my home'. Depending on where and when you bought into the housing market, real estate in Vancouver has doubled, tripled and even quadrupled over the last 12 years.
What Do Divorce Lawyers Do In Their Own Divorces?
The statistics have been steady for years and years - less than 10% of filed cases make it to trial. That means that even if you start your divorce in the litigation system, the likelihood of actually going to trial is very slim. But when does settlement occur?
People Aren't How You Think They Are!
If you have been looking at this website thinking "This Collaborative practice sounds great for some people, but you don't know [insert the name of the person with whom you could NEVER collaborate]!", this article is aimed at you. My intent is for you to consider that this person isn't how you think they are.
The Reality of Divorce - An Opportunity for Growth
Although Statistics Canada has not been collecting Canada's annual marriage and divorce rates since 2008, it seems fairly widely accepted that over 40% of Canadian marriages are expected to end in divorce before the couple reach their 50th wedding anniversary.